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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Thanks to our Interns

Simon Mairson, Kristina Kim, and Chris Rudeen

The Atomic Heritage Foundation is very grateful to our summer interns for their terrific work. Our team included Kristina Kim, a rising senior at Yale University studying the history of science; Simon Mairson, a rising senior at Georgetown University studying history; and Christopher Rudeen, who graduated from Yale University in May with degrees in chemistry and history of science and will begin a doctorate program at Harvard University in the history of science this fall.

Kristina, Simon, and Chris edited oral histories; researched and wrote articles for the AHF website; and wrote hundreds of profiles for the Manhattan Project Veterans Database

Kristina and Chris contributed articles to complement AHF’s forthcoming “Ranger in Your Pocket” program on Los Alamos innovations on high-speed photographythe water boiler reactorelectronics and detonators, the human computers of Los Alamos, and health physics. They also published articles on the Manhattan Project’s displacement of the local communities at Los AlamosOak Ridge, and Hanford, and Hispanos in Los Alamos.
Simon, who has interned for AHF part-time since fall 2016, spent part of the summer in France thanks to a Georgetown University fellowship that allowed him to conduct archival research on Frederic Joliot-Curie at the Institut Curie. You can read about his research project here. Simon has written articles on the French nuclear program, the “Radium girls,” and the German atomic bomb project.